Passionately Catholic: Give Others Some Time

by Suzy Kelly


Ponder this…

Have you had the opportunity to travel by air lately? If you have, you may have noticed the body language of our time. It’s called, please don’t engage me in being pleasant language. Don’t make me look at you while I’m sitting, standing, or walking to my connecting flight. There’s no need to make eye contact to smile or to exchange a mere hello. We have so many more important things to do, like playing mind numbing computer games, watching YouTube animal videos, or reading the hundreds of important emails we get every second of every minute of our day.

As one who is not without guilt in the scenario, I begged ask the question, what have we become? Have we been created to ignore those around us?

I admit it’s so much easier to remain confined in our own little world, but maybe, maybe we could consider making eye contact with others, offering a smile or a friendly hello, or even having a much avoided conversation.

These are some simple ways to share the love of God with others.

I’m Suzy Kelly and I am Passionately Catholic.

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